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Результати від 1 до 9 із 9
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Anti-crisis Financial Decision Support Systems. Guidelines to individual work for Master's (second) degree students of speciality 072 " Finance, Banking and I nsurance"Aleksieienko I.; Berest M.
2022Business Registration and Preparation of Business Financial Statements. Guidelines to independent work for Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesAleksieienko I.; Berest М.; Leliuk S.; Poltinina O.; Yushko S.
2022Financial Aspects of Developing a Business Idea and Starting a Business : guidelines to practical tasks for Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesAleksieienko I.; Kozmenko O.
2023Financial Aspects of Starting and Developing Business. Guidelines to individual work of Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesAleksieienko I.
2024Information-analytical support to business processes for making investment decisionsVnukova N.; Aleksieienko I.; Leliuk S.; Malyshko Ye.; Chernyshov V.
2021Intellectual and financial business processes optimizing the structure and cost of capital in value based managementAleksieienko I.; Leliuk S.; Poltinina O.
2024Modeling business processes of making financial decisions using digital technologiesAleksieienko I.; Leliuk S.
2023Optimization of business processes in investment using automation technology, financial calculations, and risk assessment methodsPronoza P.; Chernyshov V.; Malyshko Ye.; Aleksieienko I.
2022Registration of Business and Preparation of Business Financial Statements. Guidelines to practical tasks for Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesAleksieienko I.; Berest M.; Leliuk S.; Poltinina O.; Yushko S.