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dc.contributor.authorPalyanichka E. M.-
dc.identifier.citationPalyanichka E. М. Definition of the category "competitiveness of the enterprise" / E. М. Palyanichka // Сборник научных трудов S’World. По материалам межд. науч.-практ. конф. "Научные исследования и их практ. применение. Современное состояние и пути развития» . - 2016. Режим доступа : http://sworld.com.ua/index.php/uk/economy-316/business-economics-and-production-management-316/28127-316-036en_US
dc.description.abstractIn economic literature there is no uniform terminological approach to definition of economic essence of competitiveness of the enterprise, so in this article the current definitions of the company's competitiveness were present. In the article are present three dimensions of a firm’s competitiveness (potential, process, performance) in addition to four attributes (long-term orientation, controllability, relativity, dynamism), so under a competition it is necessary to understand the process of co-operation of producers and suppliers, using the competitive edges for realization of products, and also, rivalry between separate producers or suppliers of commodity (services) for the choice of customer.en_US
dc.subjectcompetitiveness of the enterpriseen_US
dc.titleDefinition of the category "competitiveness of the enterprise"en_US
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