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Название: Development of niederreiter hybrid crypto-code structure on flawed codes
Авторы: Yevseiev S. P.
Tsyhanenko O.
Gavrilova A. A.
Guzhva V.
Milov O. V.
Moskalenko V. V.
Opirskyy I.
Roma O.
Tomashevsky B.
Shmatko O. V.
Ключевые слова: flawed codes
Niederreiter hybrid crypto-code construction
modified elliptic codes
multichannel cryptography
Дата публикации: 2019
Библиографическое описание: Yevseiev S. Development of niederreiter hybrid crypto-code structure on flawed codes / S. Yevseiev, O. Tsyhanenko, A. Gavrilova and other // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2019. - 1/9 ( 97 ). – РР. 27 – 38.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The use of the Niederreiter modified crypto-code construct (ICRC) with additional initialization vectors (with many invalid positional vectors of the error vector and multiple positions of shortening the error vector) requires an increase in the speed of the crypto-transformation of the system as a whole. For this purpose it is proposed to use flawed codes. Damage codes allow you to increase the speed of code transformations by reducing the power of the field when damaging the open text and reduce the amount of data transferred by damaging the ciphertext. This approach allows the construction of hybrid crypto-code constructions based on the synthesis of modified Niederreiter cryptocodic constructions on modified (shortened or extended) codes on elliptic curves with damaging procedures. A significant difference from classical hybrid (complex) cryptosystems is the use of asymmetric cryptosystems to ensure data security with fast crypto-transformation procedures (generation and decoding of a codogram). The paper discusses methods for constructing detrimental codes and approaches for using Niederreiter’s hybrid crypto-code construction on modified elliptic codes. Practical algorithms are proposed for using the MV2 damage mechanism in the Niederreiter crypto-code construct on modified elliptic codes, which makes it possible to realize a hybrid crypto-code construct. The results of a comparative assessment of energy consumption for the formation of an information package with various methods of damage, which determined the choice of method of damage in practical algorithms. The conducted studies confirm the competitive efficiency of the proposed cryptosystem in Internet technologies and mobile networks, ensuring practical implementation on modern platforms and the necessary cryptographic strength under post-quantum cryptography.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21036
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (КІТ)

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