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dc.contributor.authorKlimenko O. M.-
dc.contributor.authorCherkashyna T. S.-
dc.identifier.citationSyllabus of the academic discipline "Macroeconomics" for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level [Electronic resource] / comp. O. M. Klimenko, T. S. Cherkashyna. - Kyarkiv: S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2019 − 14 p.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe structure and features of the discipline and its content by modules and topics are presented. Plans of lectures, seminars and practical trainings, methodical recommendations for independent research of students are sug-gested. Criteria for assessing students' knowledge are proposed. Listed are the professional competencies that a student must have after mastering the discipline.ru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic systemru_RU
dc.subjectgross domestic productru_RU
dc.subjectlabor marketru_RU
dc.subjectbalance of paymentsru_RU
dc.subjectstate regulation of economyru_RU
dc.titleSyllabus of the academic discipline "Macroeconomics" for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) levelru_RU
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