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Title: Post-pyrogenic changes in the properties of grey forest podzolic soils of ecogeosystems of pine forests under conditions of anthropogenic loading
Authors: Buts Y. V.
Asotskyi V. V.
Kraynyuk O. V.
Ponomarenko R. V.
Keywords: pine forests
grass fires
biogenic pyrogenic horizons of soils
physical and chemical properties of soils
trace metals
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Buts Y. Post-pyrogenic changes in the properties of grey forest podzolic soils of ecogeosystems of pine forests under conditions of anthropogenic loading / Y. Buts, V. Asotskyi, O. Kraynyuk, R. Ponomarenko // Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. – 2018. - 27(2). – Р. 175-183.
Abstract: The analysis of results of experimental data of postpigogenic change of soils of ecological systems of pine forests is given.The bottom fires transform the surface organogenic horizons of soils. The negative influence of low-intensity fires of different intensity on the change of humus stock, qualitative fractional composition of organogenic soils of the soils and their chemical composition is shown. Post-pyogenic transformations of physical and chemical soil characteristics are found, which is not simply their corresponding reaction to the pyrogenic effect, but a clear signal reflecting the state of the soil as immediately after the fire, taking into account their strength and intensity, and after a certain period of time. There is a certain dependence of the degree of pyrogenicity on the prescription of the effect of fire on the soil. The recent influence of the medium intensity fire on the soil is marked by a clear reaction of the complex of its properties. Physical and chemical properties of soils after fires deteriorate: burns humus, decreases the content of nitrate nitrogen. Forest fires sharply change the morphological state of the upper part of the soil profile. The nature of the surface horizons of soils changes, a new pyrogenic horizon is formed, which differs from natural analogues in terms of physical and chemical properties and the content of ash elements. Under the influence of fire there are changes in such properties as: pH, content of exchange cations, gross and moving forms of nitrogen, etc. The VM concentration in surface horizons increases several times and exceeds the background due to the mineralization of forest litter and herbaceous vegetation from the combustion and subsequent migration of chemical elements that presents an environmental hazard. The change in the chemical composition of soils can create conditions for the impossibility of the existence of a root ecosystem, its death and development, after a certain time, of another modified ecogeosystem. Key words: pine forests, grass fires, biogenic pyrogenic horizons of soils, physical and chemical properties of soils, trace metals.
Appears in Collections:Статті (ЗСЖБЖ)

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