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dc.contributor.authorBlyznyuk T. P.-
dc.identifier.citationRisk management: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of specialty 073 «Management» of the second (master) level: [Electronic edition] / comp. T. Blyznyuk. – Kharkiv : S. Кuznets KHNUE, 2019. – 7 p. (Eng)ru_RU
dc.description.abstractA thematic plan of the academic discipline, and its contents are given according to the modules and themes. Criteria and order of assessing students' knowledge, professional competences a student should have after studying the academic discipline are provided. Recommended for students of the specialty "Management" of the second (master) level pervestyru_RU
dc.subjectrisk managementru_RU
dc.subjectmanaging economic risksru_RU
dc.subjectmethods of managing economic risksru_RU
dc.subjectassessment of economic risksru_RU
dc.titleRisk management: syllabus of the educational discipline for students of specialty 073 «Management» of the second (master) levelru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Методичні матеріали (МБА)

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