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dc.contributor.authorZyma O.-
dc.contributor.authorPtashchenko O. V.-
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko I.-
dc.contributor.authorAfanasieva O. M.-
dc.identifier.citationZyma O. International marketing and marketing audit in the context of european integration and globalization / O. Zyma, О. Ptashchenko, І. Shevchenko, О. Afanasieva // Менеджмент : наук. фаховий журнал Київського нац. ун-ту технологій та дизайну. - 2019. - Вип. 2 (30). - С. 9-25.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractFeatures of international marketing are determined by the specific environment in which it is implemented. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the attitude of the national government to foreign economic activity. It can create favorable conditions for carrying out foreign economic activities. Conversely, the government may be uninterested in the entry of its individual firms into the foreign market, and may create all sorts of obstacles along the way. Marketing in general and international marketing today is characterized by the rapid aging of ideas and concepts caused by the changing market situation. And the company management system is inertial: the marketing strategies, methods and techniques used yesterday are still in use today. Therefore, it is useful to involve third parties to conduct a marketing audit, which allows you to take a fresh look at the usual circumstances and conditions, bring in new ideas and open up new opportunities.ru_RU
dc.subjectinternational marketingru_RU
dc.subjectmarketing auditru_RU
dc.titleInternational marketing and marketing audit in the context of european integration and globalizationru_RU
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