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Title: World Experience in Public Administration of the Transformation of Energy-dependent Regions in the Context of Their Sustainable Development
Authors: Zablodska I.
Akhromkin Y.
Akhromkin A.
Bielousova L.
Litvinova I. M.
Keywords: world experience
public administration
just transformation
energy-dependent regions
sustainable development
advantages and disadvantages
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Zablodska I. World Experience in Public Administration of the Transformation of Ener-gy-dependent Regions in the Context of Their Sustainable Development / I. Zablodska, Ye. Akhromkin, A. Akhromkin et al. // Problemy ekorozwoju – problems of sustainable development. – Journal of The European Academy of Science and Arts, Salzburg, Austria. - 2020. – Vol. 15 (2). – Р. 235-244.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of the world positive and negative experience in public administration of the transformation of energy-dependent regions. The research is carried out in the context of the sustainable develop-ment of energy-dependent regions, which is one of the key global agendas for the transition of all countries to a low carbon economy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, in the context of the UN Sustainable Devel-opment Goals to 2030. The authors analysed the institutional features of the experience of just transformation in Australia and Poland, the shortcomings of the transforming process of energy-dependent regions in European countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and also some initial directions for further energy transition in the German and Czech regions.
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