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dc.contributor.authorIastremska O. O.-
dc.identifier.citationIastremska О. O. The value of the tourist industry for the development of the education system / О. O. Iastremska // Економічний розвиток і спадщина Семена Кузнеця : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 26 – 27 лист. 2020 р. : тези допов. – Одеса: «Гельветика», 2020. ‒ С. 178 – 179.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe abstracts present the results of studies of factors that affect the development of the education system, types of educational tourism, statistical data on the flows of tourists who want to get education in other countries and in Ukraine. The proposed activities using the tourism industry for the development of higher education institutions.ru_RU
dc.subjecttourism industryru_RU
dc.subjecteducational tourismru_RU
dc.subjectinstitutions of higher educationru_RU
dc.subjectfactors of influenceru_RU
dc.subjecttourist flowsru_RU
dc.titleThe value of the tourist industry for the development of the education systemru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ПТТБ)

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