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dc.contributor.authorProkopishyna O. V.-
dc.identifier.citationProkopishyna O. V. Accounting and analytical support for voluntary statements of international startup business / O. V. Prokopishyna // Економіка та суспільство. ‒ 2021. ‒ № 26.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe paper article discusses the nature of voluntary reporting and reveals its place in the system of accounting and analytical support of international startup project management. The paper proposes and grounds understanding the concept of " voluntary statements" as statements, prepared by business entities, their units and associations for dissemination of quality information selected by the governing bodies of reporting entities and recognized as expedient for development and reaching goals in the economic, social and / or research spheres. In order to substantiate methodological approaches to the integration processes of formation and usage of voluntary statements in the system of accounting and analytical management of innovative enterprises, the progressive experience of foreign companies was analyzed, so the paper proposes the directions of its application to increase innovative attractiveness of domestic start-up projects.ru_RU
dc.subjectvoluntary statementsru_RU
dc.subjectinternational startup businessru_RU
dc.titleAccounting and analytical support for voluntary statements of international startup businessru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ОБК)

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