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dc.contributor.authorLebedev S. S.-
dc.identifier.citationProbability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for students specialty 051 «Economics» of the first (bachelor's) level academic program «International Economics»: [Electronic resource] / compil. by S. S. Lebedev. – Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2021. – 12 p. (English lang.)ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe purpose and connection of discipline with other sciences are determined. The competence, which students master in the process of studying the discipline, is indicated. There is the rating plan of the academic discipline, its content according to modules and topics, as well as the order and criteria for assessing students' knowledge are presented. This syllabus is recommended for students specialty 051 «Economics» of the first (bachelor's) level academic program «International Economics».ru_RU
dc.subjectrandom eventsru_RU
dc.subjectbasic theorems of probability theoryru_RU
dc.subjectdiscrete and continuous random variablesru_RU
dc.subjectbasic numerical characteristics of random variablesru_RU
dc.subjectmathematical statisticsru_RU
dc.subjectsampling methodru_RU
dc.subjectestimation of numerical characteristicsru_RU
dc.subjectbasic and alternative statistical hypothesesru_RU
dc.subjectcorrelation and regressionru_RU
dc.titleProbability theory and mathematical statistics : syllabus of the academic discipline for students specialty 051 «Economics» of the first (bachelor's) level academic program «International Economics»ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Методичні матеріали (ЕММ)

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