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dc.contributor.authorLevitskiy A.-
dc.identifier.citationLevitskiy A. Transport logistics as a basis for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the process of international trade / A. Levitskiy // Конкурентоспроможність та інновації: проблеми науки та практики : матеріали XVІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, 25 листопада 2022 р. : тези допов. – Харків : ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2022. – С. 392–395.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractTransport logistics is an important component of a country's economic development, but its development in Ukraine is still in its early stages and requires scientific research. Along with procurement, distribution, production, and warehouse logistics, transport logistics is a key factor in increasing labor productivity and efficiency in circulation and production. A clear geographic base for transport logistics requires research in the field of social geography, identifying spatial disparities in its development, searching for opportunities to optimize connections, and so on.ru_RU
dc.subjecttransport logisticsru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic developmentru_RU
dc.subjectscientific researchru_RU
dc.titleTransport logistics as a basis for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the process of international traderu_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті студентів (МЛІ)

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