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dc.contributor.authorKlimenko O.-
dc.contributor.authorMashchenko M.-
dc.identifier.citationKlimenko O. Forecasting effectiveness of government measures regarding the economic development of Ukraine / O. Klimenko, M. Mashchenko // Economics of Developmen. - 2022. - Vol. 21. - No. 3. - Р. 8-14.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIt was proposed approach of forecasting the effectiveness of implementing the government’s monetary and fiscal policy measures, taking into account positive or negative multiplicative coefficients according to the Mandel-Fleming model, depending on the exchange rate regime for the recovery of the economy and economic development of Ukraine. In predict applied, chain schemes are presented that show the effectiveness of specific monetary and fiscal policy measures.The research has an applied aspect and is suitable for use in decision-making by the government regarding the implemented economic policy.ru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic policyru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic forecastingru_RU
dc.subjectmonetary policyru_RU
dc.subjectfiscal policyru_RU
dc.subjectMandel-Fleming modelru_RU
dc.subjectmultiplier effectru_RU
dc.titleForecasting effectiveness of government measures regarding the economic development of Ukraineru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ДУПАЕП)

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