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dc.contributor.authorRayevnyeva O.-
dc.contributor.authorBrovko O.-
dc.contributor.authorZhylin S.-
dc.identifier.citationRayevnyeva O. The use of digital technologies in the educational process / O. Rayevnyeva, O. Brovko, S. Zhylin // Modern problems of science, education and society : Proceedings of the 1st International scientific and practical conference. SPC “Sci-conf.com.ua”. - Kyiv, 2023. - Pp. 773-780.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractDigitalization is transforming education, as it is happening in other sectors of society. Data is increasingly being used to manage education systems and institutions to better target policy interventions and drive innovation. Many educational institutions are now implementing digital transformation to maintain a competitive edge. Today, information technologies, digitalization of society, and business are the main innovative directions of the development of society and significantly change the educational process in general, demanding a transition to digital education. The purpose of this transition is to ensure that each student achieves the level of preparation recorded in the approved educational program at each stage of education. It is "digital" literacy that is recognized by the EU as one of the 8 key competencies for a fulfilling life and activity. The need for wide use of modern information technologies and services in various types of activities of an educational institution, creation of a systemic digital environment for the management of an educational institution, formation of a corporate information and educational system, protection of corporate information become the main tasks of the management of an educational institution. In addition, the adaptation of national educational institutions to the changing needs of the main stakeholders, namely, consumers of educational services, potential employers and government organizations, necessitates an innovative search or development of appropriate tools, approaches, strategies that allow maintaining a high level of education quality in new conditions. Thus, digitalization becomes a driving force of development and a factor in the competitiveness of national educational institutions on the national and international educational market.ru_RU
dc.subjecthigher education institutionru_RU
dc.subjectdigital educationru_RU
dc.titleThe use of digital technologies in the educational processru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (СЕП)

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