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Название: Features of the formation and development of the energy saving market
Авторы: Zuma O. G.
Rodionov S. O.
Ключевые слова: market of energy carriers
energy carriers
supply complex
energy supply complex
alternative energy sources
Дата публикации: 2022
Библиографическое описание: Zuma O. G. Features of the formation and development of the energy saving market / O. G. Zuma, S. O. Rodionov // Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля. - 2022. - №4 (274). - С.10-13.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The main features of the energy saving market are considered in the article. The main directions of the development of the energy saving market have been identified, as well as an analysis of the current state of the energy market in order to identify the main trends of its further development. To date, there is still no comprehensive tracking and synthesis of all processes related to monitoring the energy saving market. But there is no effective state program of general monitoring of the energy sector and the energy saving market. Given that these are areas that should complement each other, they should be considered and analyzed together. This situation has a negative impact on the state of the energy market in Ukraine at the current stage. It is necessary to constantly monitor trends in the development of the energy saving market, in particular, it is necessary to constantly monitor innovative technical and technological, organizational and scientific methods and tools that are constantly updated. It is also necessary to monitor all subsystems of the energy saving market in order to understand the full picture of it as a whole. Domestic enterprises involved in the field of energy saving need to join the implementation of the most significant innovative and investment projects in this direction. To date, Ukraine has started importing electricity from neighboring European countries, although it has significant capacity for its own electricity production. Another negative trend has also developed in the energy market of Ukraine. The reserves of coal, which is necessary for the supply of thermal energy, have decreased significantly. Ministries are trying to conclude agreements with other countries for additional supplies, but some countries have refused. So far, the decision has been made to burn expensive natural gas instead of cheaper coal. So, we can state the fact that the energy market of Ukraine now has an unfavorable situation, which should be a prerequisite and impetus for a particularly rapid development of the energy saving market. We should also note that due to the military conflict and the deliberate destruction of critical infrastructure facilities, the energy market of Ukraine has fallen into decline and is in need of drastic changes.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29837
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