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dc.contributor.authorSmetankina N.-
dc.contributor.authorMisiura S.-
dc.contributor.authorMisiura Ie.-
dc.identifier.citationSmetankina N. Analysis of stability of structural elements under thermomechanical loads / N. Smetankina, S. Misiura, Ie. Misiura. // Modern aspects of modernization of science: status, problems, development trends: materials of the 36th International Scientific and Practical Confere, September 7, 2023. – Sofia: Bulgaria, 2023. – P. 183–187.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe phenomenon of loss of stability of the ring when it is heated is investigated. It is assumed that the ring is planar, that is, its axis is a circle and the cross section of the ring is constant. The paper considers a problem for a ring with a rectangular cross-section. As a load, the temperature field at the points of the ring was set, which varied linearly along the inner to outer radius. Research was carried out using the finite element method. Depending on the ratio of geometric parameters, a critical temperature was found, which corresponds to the loss of stability of the flat shape of the ring. Elements are made of steel. According to the research results, it was established that the critical temperature depends significantly on the ratio of ring thicknesses and increases rapidly with its increase. It is established that the corresponding non-planar shape of the ring is stable. This explains the sharp increase in the critical temperature with an increase in the axial thickness of the ring.ru_RU
dc.subjectcritical temperatureru_RU
dc.titleAnalysis of stability of structural elements under thermomechanical loadsru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ЕММ)

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