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Название: Risks in Volunteer Activities during the War in Ukraine
Авторы: Blyznyuk T.
Sobakar M.
Ключевые слова: volunteering
emotional burnout
savior complex
Дата публикации: 2024
Библиографическое описание: Blyznyuk T. Risks in Volunteer Activities during the War in Ukraine / T. Blyznyuk, M. Sobakar // Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics and Technology. - 2024. – Vol. 9. - № 2. - Р. 39 – 43.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The significant role of volunteer activities in social development and solving socially significant problems is recognized internationally and nationally. Now, volunteerism serves as an expression of civic maturity, contributing to stabilizing and regulating social relations. In the context of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the role of volunteering in providing the army with essential support is continuously increasing. However, volunteer activities are characterized by a high degree of risk in such circumstances. The article aims to analyze the risks of volunteer activities during the war in Ukraine. The article explores the fundamental features and directions of volunteer activities in Ukraine, including support for the army, assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees, and other relevant social issues. It identifies the transformation of the volunteer environment in the country from chaotic to structured and professional since the onset of the full-scale invasion. The article also highlights the challenges faced by volunteer organizations, including reduced aid volumes, volunteer safety issues, lack of coordination and effective control over donated property, and others. The paper analyzes the principal negative aspects of volunteer activities that may pose risks, including the expenditure of internal resources, globalization and hyperbolization of activities, elevated demands on the surrounding community, overestimation of one's significance, savior complex, object of aid incapacitation, and authoritarianism. It is noted that volunteerism can be particularly hazardous in terms of emotional burnout since volunteers need to provide not only their time and resources but also emotional support. Risks associated with postponing the right to enjoy life and immersing the volunteer in the role of a "savior" that can lead to alienation from others are also considered. In this regard, volunteerism may become a source of conflict. The article suggests ways to address the risks and negative aspects of volunteer activities in Ukraine's war conditions. Emphasis is placed on controlling emotions, motivation, and relationships; monitoring mental health; comparing assigned tasks with personal resources; realistically understanding one's capabilities; and not postponing essential moments.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32917
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