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dc.contributor.authorSotnikova Y.-
dc.identifier.citationCreative economy and management: the work program of the educational discipline higher education students, specialty 232 "Social security" of the study programme "Management of social projects" of the second (master's) cycle / comp. Y. Sotnikova. – Kharkiv: S. Kuznets KhNU of Economics, 2024. - 13 p. (English)ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe purpose and connection of the discipline with other sciences is determined. Competences mastered by students in the process of studying the discipline are given. The thematic plan of the educational discipline, its content by modules and topics, as well as the procedure and criteria for evaluating students' knowledge are presented. Recommended for students of higher education, specialty 232 "Social security" of the study programme "Management of social projects" of the second (master's) cycle.ru_RU
dc.subjectcreative economyru_RU
dc.subjectcreative managementru_RU
dc.subjectcreative potentialru_RU
dc.subjectintellectual property protectionru_RU
dc.subjectcreative thinkingru_RU
dc.titleCreative economy and management: the work program of the educational discipline higher education students, specialty 232 "Social security" of the study programme "Management of social projects" of the second (master's) cycleru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Методичні матеріали (СЕ)

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