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Title: The prolegomens to theory of human stable evolutionary strategy as ideology of risk society at age of controlled evolution technologies
Authors: Cheshko V. T.
Keywords: Bioethics
stable evolutionary strategy
directed evolution technology
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Print-Caro
Citation: Cheshko V.T. The prolegomens to theory of human stable evolutionary strategy as ideology of risk society at age of controlled evolution technologies / V. T. Cheshko // Strategia supravietuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei și medicinei. Culegere de articole științifice. Vol. 22 / Sub redacția prof. univrsitar, dr. hab. în filosofie Teodor N. Țîrdea. – Chișinău: Print-Caro, 2016, p. 134-139
Abstract: Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens (SESH) is a superposition of three different adaptive data arrays: biological, socio-cultural and technological modules, based on three independent processes of generation and replication of an adaptive information – genetic, socio-cultural and symbolic transmissions (inheritance). Third component SESH focused equally to the adaptive transformation of the environment and carrier of SESH. With the advent of High Hume technology, risk has reached the existential significance level. The existential level of technical risk is, by definition, an evolutionary risk as possible leads to the genesis of disappearance of humanity as a species. The emergence of bioethics has to consider as a form of modern (transdisciplinary) scientific concept and sociocultural adaptation for regulate human identity in the global-evolutionary transformation and performs the function of self-preservation
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