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Title: English for Business Analysts
Authors: Borova T. A.
Milov O. V.
Keywords: system
operations research
game theory
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: S. Kuznets KhNUE
Citation: Borova T. English for Business Analysts [Electronic resource] : textbook In 3 parts. Part 2 : Models and Methods / T. Borova, O. Milov ; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. - .E-text data (1,50 МБ). - Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2017. - 184 p. : il. - The title screen. - Referenc. p. 182-183.
Abstract: The material for mastering the English language for business analysts is offered. The second part of the textbook is focused on the disciplines of the mathematical cycle of economic education that make the basis of business analysis, in particular, system analysis, modelling, operations research, econometrics, simulation, and game theory. These disciplines provide insight into various economic and mathematical aspects of business analysis. The textbook can be used for both training in groups and independent learning. For students of speciality ''Economics'', lecturers, as well as people who learn and use English in the professional activity connected with the application of mathematical methods in economics.
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