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Title: Features of logistic management of a trading enterprise in innovative economy
Authors: Shtal T. V.
Proskurnina N. V.
Uvarova А.
Keywords: logistic management
logistic strategy
innovative economy
the trading enterprise
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Shtal T. Features of logistic management of a trading enterprise in innovative economy / T. Shtal, N. Proskurnina, А. Uvarova // Маркетингові інновації в освіті, туризмі, готельно-ресторанній, харчовій індустрії та торгівлі: кол. монографія / за заг. ред. Н. Л. Савицької. – Х.: ХДУХТ, 2018. - С. 40-53.
Abstract: The monography is dedicated to the development of theoretical positions, development of scientific and methodological approaches to improve the logistic management of a trading enterprise in innovative economy The essence of the concept of «»logistic management» is investigated, their main features are determined. The characteristic of postural positions of logistic management is developed such as the object of logistic management, the definition of which should be based on the integral approach, the basic principles, which are divided into general and special, as well as subject and general purpose of logistic management. The existing definitions of «logistic strategy» are also analyzed, its main characteristics are determined. It is proposed to use the logistic strategy of a trading company, which represents the integration of marketing and logistics mixes.
Appears in Collections:Монографії (МЕМ)

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