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Title: International preconditions for development the basics of a concept of risk-oriented system on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation
Authors: Vnukova N. M.
Hontar D. D.
Andriichenko Z. O.
Keywords: risk-based system
financial monitoring
money laundering
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Vnukova N. International preconditions for development the basics of a concept of risk-oriented system on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation / N. Vnukova, D. Hontar, Z. Andriichenko // Modern management: economy and administration: Monograph. - Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2018. – P. 37–44.
Abstract: The article discusses the international background for the development of the basics of the concept of a risk-oriented system for combating money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
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