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dc.contributor.authorLytvynenko A. O.-
dc.identifier.citationLytvynenko A. O. Process development of venture business’ attraction to the development of industrial enterprises / A. O. Lytvynenko // Держава та регіони. Серія "Економіка та підприємництво". - 2019. - № 5. - Р. 110–116. (october 2019)ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIt is proposed by the effectiveness of attracting venture business to the development of industrial enterprises to understand the ratio of the economic effect received from entrepreneurial activity. The adoption of copyright proposals allows us to ensure the effectiveness of attracting venture capital business into the activities of industrial enterprises. Ensuring the effectiveness of attracting a venture business to the development of industrial enterprises includes a set of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of enterprise development, selecting venture projects and organizing the process of attracting a venture business, predicting its effectiveness. Based on the allegations presented, the author proposes to evaluate the development efficiency of the enterprise in four areas: efficiency of production, efficiency of management, efficiency of personnel and efficiency of financial activity of the enterprise. Each of the proposed areas is equivalent and have the same contribution to the development of an industrial enterprise.ru_RU
dc.subjectventure businessru_RU
dc.subjectattracting venture businessru_RU
dc.subjectindustrial enterprise developmentru_RU
dc.subjectthe process of attracting venture businessru_RU
dc.subjectorganizing the process of attracting venture businessru_RU
dc.titleProcess development of venture business’ attraction to the development of industrial enterprisesru_RU
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