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Title: Improved umac algorithm with crypto-code mceliece’s scheme
Authors: Yevseiev S. P.
Havrylova A. A.
Keywords: Mac-Elis crypto-code
UMAC hashing algorithm
El-Gamal cryptosystems
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Premier Publishing s.r.o.
Citation: Yevseiev S. Improved umac algorithm with crypto-code mceliece’s scheme / S. Yevseiev. A. Havrylova // Modern Problems Of Computer Science And IT-Education : collective monograph / [editorial board K. Melnyk, O. Shmatko].– Vienna : Premier Publishing s.r.o., 2020. – P. 79 – 92.
Abstract: The article discusses the mathematical model of the mini-version of the UMAC hashing algorithm, using various cryptoalgorithms as a pseudo-random substrate when generating key data, presents the results of studies of the considered mini-versions. A new approach is proposed to ensure the cryptographic stability of this hashing algorithm based on Mac-Elis crypto-code constructions on modified elliptic codes. This approach will provide the required level of cryptographic security in post-quantum cryptography.
Appears in Collections:Монографії (КІТ)

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