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Title: Development Of Information Visualization Methods For Use In Multimedia Applications
Authors: Hrabovskyi Y. M.
Brynza N. O.
Vilkhivska O.
Keywords: information visualization
multimedia application
visual display
key terms
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Hrabovskyi Y. Development Of Information Visualization Methods For Use In Multimedia Applications / Y. Hrabovskyi, N. Brynza, O. Vilkhivska // Eureka: Physics And Engineering. – 2020. – N. 1. – P. 3-17.
Abstract: The aim of the article is development of a technique for visualizing information for use in multimedia applications. In this study, to visualize information, it is proposed first to compile a list of key terms of the subject area and create data tables. Based on the structuring of fragments of the subject area, a visual display of key terms in the form of pictograms, a visual display of key terms in the form of images, and a visual display of data tables are performed. The types of visual structures that should be used to visualize information for further use in multimedia applications are considered. The analysis of existing visual structures in desktop publishing systems and word processors is performed. To build a mechanism for visualizing information about the task as a presentation, a multimedia application is developed using Microsoft Visual Studio software, the C# programming language by using the Windows Forms application programming interface. An algorithm is proposed for separating pieces of information text that have key terms. Tabular data was visualized using the “parametric ruler” metaphorical visualization method, based on the metaphor of a slide rule. The use of the parametric ruler method on the example of data visualization for the font design of children's publications is proposed. Interaction of using the method is ensured due to the fact that the user will enter the size of the size that interests for it and will see the ratio of the values of other parameters. The practical result of the work is the creation of a multimedia application “Visualization of Publishing Standards” for the visualization of information for the font design of publications for children. The result of the software implementation is the finished multimedia applications, which, according to the standardization visualization technique in terms of prepress preparation of publications, is the final product of the third stage of the presentation of the visual form.
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