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Title: Integrated approach to teaching a foreign language
Authors: Herasymenko E. M.
Keywords: foreign language learning
integrated approach
language skills
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: CPN Publishing Group
Citation: Herasymenko Е. Integrated approach to teaching a foreign language / Е. Herasymenko // Perspectives of world science and education : Abstracts of the 9th International scientific and practical conference, May 20-22, 2020, Osaka, Japan. – Osaka : CPN Publishing Group, 2020. - Pp. 46-54. - URL:
Abstract: The following article talks about the method in which the process of foreign language learning considerably promoted in comparison to other traditional methods. Author describe the key features of integrated approach using consecutive options that can be easily accommodated in every classroom. Moreover she claim that integrated approach in foreign language teaching methodology merely facilitate the learners with authentic language skills. Integration of the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) is concerned with realistic communication. This means that we are teaching at the discourse level, not just at the level of sentences or individual words and phrases. Integrated language learning can be more motivating, because the students are using the language for a real purpose, instead of, say, just practicing the grammar. Integration requires skillful teaching, but it can bring worthwhile results.
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