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Title: Особливості споживчої поведінки у туризмі
Other Titles: Peculiarities of consumer behavior in the tourism sphere
Authors: Слєпакова К. І.
Keywords: consumer behaviour
decision-making process
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Слєпакова К. І. Особливості споживчої поведінки у туризмі: комплексний консультаційний проект на здобуття освітнього рівня бакалавра: спец. 242 «Туризм» / К. І. Слєпакова. – Х. : ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2020.
Abstract: The project examines the theoretical information about consumer behaviour in the decision-making process, models of decision-making process, analysis of the activity of travel agency ‘Coral Travel’. The purpose of writing a paper is to study and analyze consumer behaviour in the tourism market. The main task of the first chapter of this paper is to identify types of tourists, models of tourist behaviour and main factors affecting their behaviour in the decision-making process. Second chapter consists of all practical part of working with different types of customers and its main task is to provide some basic recommendations how to deal with customers. Third chapter of this project is all about how to find and create a loyal customer for the travel agency.
Appears in Collections:Кваліфікаційні випускні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ПТТБ)

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