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Title: Organization of Tour Guiding
Authors: Sushchenko O. A.
Akhmedova O. O.
Keywords: demonstration
tour guiding
tourist guide
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: S. Kuznets KhNUE
Citation: Sushchenko O. Оrganization of Tour Guiding [Electronic resource] : textbook / O. Sushchenko, O. Akhmedova ; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics. - E-text data (750 КБ). - Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2020. - 233 p. : il. - The title screen. - Bibliogr.: p. 207-211
Abstract: The theoretical framework of the tour guiding organization in the world and Ukraine has been presented. The main trends in the tour guiding develop-ment have been elicited. The concepts of tour guiding and tourist guide, the approaches, objectives and tools have been considered. Particular attention has been paid to the students' ability to understand the essence, types and peculiarities of the development and conducting of excursions/tours, methodical techniques of the demonstration and narration, the ability to provide differen¬tiated services to certain target audiences, organize walking and bus tour guiding services, provide and insure tourists' safety during guided tours. For Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 242 "Tourism".
Appears in Collections:Навчальні видання (ПТТБ)

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