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Title: Comparative characteristics of budget allocation in ukraine and other european countries
Authors: Mazorenko O.
Kozhevnikova K.
Zinchenko A.
Keywords: budget
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Mazorenko O. Comparative characteristics of budget allocation in ukraine and other european countries / O. Mazorenko, K. Kozhevnikova, A. Zinchenko // Менеджмент ХХІ століття : глобалізаційні виклики : матер. VІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Полтава, 19 трав. 2022 р.: тези допов. – Полтава : ПДАУ, 2022. – С. 839-846.
Abstract: Article is devoted to the problems of state budget’ formation. The state is responsible for the person for its activities. To fulfill its functions, clearly defined by the Constitution, the state certainly needs financial and material resources, which in the conditions of commodity-money relations of a market economy have a monetary nature. To cover the costs associated with the performance of its functions, any state needs financial resources, which the state receives through the formation and use of a centralized fund - the state budget. The comparative analysis of the state budgets of Ukraine and New Zealand is conducted. Analysis of the budgets and their structure helps to identify the distribution of funds by spheres necessary for the life in researched countries.
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