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Title: Moroccan Literature
Authors: Яхіа Ел Мутакі
Keywords: Moroccan literature
the subject of stereotypes
the royal family
complex novels
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Яхіа Ел Мутакі. Moroccan Literature / Яхіа Ел Мутакі // Наукова ініціатива іноземних студентів та аспірантів: матер. IX міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. здобувачів вищої освіти та молодих учених, м. Харків, 4 бер. 2022 р. – Харків, 2022. – С. 129-132.
Abstract: Over the years, Moroccan literature has grown and flourished. The books and poems that are part of the Moroccan literature have amazed, shocked and filled residents. They also illuminate with talents that are not yet available or have not yet been opened. Some Moroccan literature is written in Arabic, French, Berber and even English. The diversity of Moroccan texts is truly astonishing, as are the writers who wrote these masterpieces.
Appears in Collections:Статті студентів (ІММК)

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