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Title: Green infrastructure as a component of sustainable development
Authors: Protasenko O.
Ivashura A.
Keywords: Sustainable Development
Green Infrastructure
Environmental Policy
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Protasenko O. Green infrastructure as a component of sustainable development / O. Protasenko, A. Ivashura // Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges : International Conference, Tirana, 17-18 November 2022. ‒ Proceedings book. ‒ Editura Universitară Danubius, 2023. – P. 58-68.
Abstract: One of the issues today is to ensure the sustainable development of society. Different tools are applied for this purpose. These tools allow for achieving results in a specific area of sustainable development: economic, environmental or social. However, it is more actual to use such tools that will allow for improvements in all of these areas simultaneously. An example of such a tool is green infrastructure.
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