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Title: The use of modern information systems and technologies to improve the competitiveness of tourism and hospitality businesses
Authors: Pohuda N. V.
Keywords: soft
online travel agency (OTA)
hotel management system
restaurant management systems
travel agency
tour operator
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Pohuda N. V. The use of modern information systems and technologies to improve the competitiveness of tourism and hospitality businesses / N. V. Pohuda // Tourism and Hospitality in Conditions of Digital Economy: Problems and Perspectives [Electronic resource] : monograph / K. Naumik-Gladka, O. Sushchenko, O. Stryzhak et al. ; under the general editorship of DSc in Economics, Professor К. Naumik-Gladka. – Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2023. – P. 81-111.
Abstract: The study is devoted to the analysis of the use of modern information systems and technologies to increase the competitiveness of tourism and hotel-restaurant businesses. The role of startups in the field of hospitality and their role in the development of the tourist market is an analyzed. Considerable attention was paid to the most popular OTA channels.Traditional global distribution systems (GDS), automated hotel (HMS) and restaurant management systems (RMS), CRM and tour operator software were analyzed.
Appears in Collections:Монографії (ПТТБ)

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