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Title: Information and methodical support of the bank financial security evaluation
Authors: Medvedieva I.
Pogosova M.
Keywords: state of financial security
management of the bank financial security
alarm indicators
primary indexes
information base
identification of threats
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: ХНЕУ
Citation: Medvedieva I. Information and methodical support of the bank financial security evaluation / I. Medvedieva, M. Pogosova // Економіка розвитку. ‒ 2013. ‒ № 4. ‒ С. 76-80.
Abstract: The essence of the term «alarm indicator» being a means of measuring and displaying changes in the bank financial security under the influence of threats was specified. The consistency of development of the bank financial security level in the dimension of dynamics of respective indexes was defined using Q-technique of factor analysis. A methodical approach to identification of the primary indexes of the bank financial security was offered, such indexes, when showing an imbalanced change comparing to other indexes, affecting negatively the bank's ability to protect its financial interests. A system of alarm indicators for creating a map of threats to the bank financial security was formed based on the primary indexed.
Appears in Collections:№ 4

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