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Title: Informal Communication in International Relations: Role and Impact
Authors: Styrnik N.
Ishchenko I.
Kuz O.
Bedrych Y.
Lazneva I.
Keywords: international affairs
informal political communication
means of communication
nonverbal communication
cultural sensitivity
soft power
informal network
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Styrnik N. Informal Communication in International Relations: Role and Impact / N. Styrnik, I. Ishchenko, O. Kuz and other // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. - 2024. - Volume 14. - Issue 1. - Special Issue XL. - P. 193–198.
Abstract: The article attempts to systematize arguments in favor of the fact that today the study of political communication at the international level, its various manifestations and consequences, faces problems that do not fit into the rigid framework of generally accepted political and philosophical theories, approaches and schools, and thereby actualizes the task of theoretical methodological understanding of the ongoing global socio-political changes through the formation of a new paradigm for studying the politics of international relations, adequate to the state of the world community and the challenges of the time. It is shown that in conditions of modern extreme instability and conflict potential, a special role is played by unofficial diplomacy, carried out through informal communication in various formats, in particular, in the format of the track two and track 1.5 diplomacy. The effectiveness of this kind of diplomacy is demonstrated by referring to its evolution and successful examples of its application in the 20th century, as well as the foundations and prospects in the current century.
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