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Назва: Formation of the organizational and motivational support for management of the enterprise flow processes based on the logistics approach
Автори: Dzobko I.
Proskurnina N.
Теми: flow processes
logistics approach
organizational support
motivational support
Дата публікації: 2015
Видавництво: ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця
Бібліографічний опис: Dzobko I. Formation of the organizational and motivational support for management of the enterprise flow processes based on the logistics approach / I. Dzobko, N. Proskurnina // Економіка розвитку. – № 4 (76). – С. 73-82.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The organizational and motivational support for the management of enterprise flow processes has been studied with the indication of the formalization of the distribution of the administrative functions to be performed. The hypothesis of the study lies in the use of the logistics integrated properties to improve the adaptation characteristics and optimize the ability to manage the flow processes. Based on the developed and presented in the literature theoretical principles of organization of management of enterprise flow processes, the mechanism of the flow process management has been presented as a structured hierarchical system of interests, rules and regulations of the participants in the logistics chain. The specific features and characteristics of the mechanism of management of the enterprise flow processes have been determined. The need for applying the logistics approach as an effective tool for simultaneous functioning of the organizational structures of the participants in the logistics chain has been reasoned. The specific formation of the organizational and motivational support for management of the enterprise flow processes has been described to show that it is carried out by providing the available links with additional functions of the targeted nature and does not require changes in the number of the staff in the organizational system. The content of the strategic planning tasks of the enterprise logistics system development has been characrerized. The sequence of formation of the organizational and motivational support for regulation of the flow processes including the individual and general parameters of the aggregate material, financial and information flows has been developed and presented. The relation between the means and tools for achieving the objectives of the participants in the logistics cycle has been shown. A sequence of efforts on the regulation of the basic parameters of the organizational structure of the logistics system has been proposed and a clear interdependence between the regulation components has been established. The sequence of the distribution of management responsibility according to the results of the work included in the logistics processes has been shown.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33746
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