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Title: Computer information systems in the work organization of IT enterprises: program of the course for students of speciality 126 "Information systems and technologies" study programme "Information systems and technologies" of the second (master's) study cycle
Authors: Plokha O.
Keywords: IT company management
marketing management
organizational management
operational management
financial management
business plan
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Computer information systems in the work organization of IT enterprises: program of the course for students of speciality 126 "Information systems and technologies" study programme "Information systems and technologies" of the second (master's) study cycle: [Electronic resource] / O. Plokha. – Kharkiv: Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics, 2024. – 15 р.
Abstract: The thematic plan of the course and its content by modules and topics are presented. Plans for lectures, laboratory classes, and professional competencies that a student should possess after studying the discipline are included. Recommended for applicants of the specialty 126 "Information systems and technologies" study programme "Information systems and technologies" of the second (master's) study cycle of all forms of education.
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