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Title: Methodological approaches to the evaluation and analysis of the impact of interrelated factors on the business innovation capacity
Authors: Labunska S.
Keywords: innovation
innovation potential
innovation capacity
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця
Citation: Labunska S. Methodological approaches to the evaluation and analysis of the impact of interrelated factors on the business innovation capacity / S. Labunska // Економіка розвитку. – № 4 (72). – С. 105-110.
Abstract: The methodological fundamentals have been described and the methodological approaches to the selection for the commercialization of innovative projects of the generated portfolio by innovation type have been substantiated. Such a selection is suggested to be run on the basis of scenario modelling, given the retrospective analysis of the direction of the vectoral influence between the sets of indicators that form an overall integrated assessment of the innovation capacity of an enterprise. The results of calculations have been represented based on the developed models on the example of evaluation of scenarios of the changing factors that generate additional effeccts influencing the level of enterprise innovation capacity and innovative business opportunities.
Appears in Collections:№4

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