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Title: Professional orientation of a teacher in the context of steam education introduction and the prerequisites for steam competencies formation
Authors: Movmyga N.
Demidova Yu.
Polezhaieva O.
Keywords: STEAM education
STEAM competence
transdisciplinary approach
competence approach
4C formula
teacher professional development
communication skills
critical thinking
definitions of STEM education
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Movmyga N. Professional orientation of a teacher in the context of steam education introduction and the prerequisites for steam competencies formation / N. Movmyga, Yu. Demidova, O. Polezhaieva // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами. - №3. - 2024. - С. 113-128.
Abstract: The issue of teacher`s professional development in the context of STEAM education introduction is considered. Emphasis is put on the actualization of 4C method which is used to overcome the misunderstanding between the knowledge that students acquire in higher education institutions and the skills that employers expect from students. This method includes such main components as: communication skills, creativity, critical thinking and teamworking. The proposed recommendations for the development of STEAM competencies can contribute to the formation of professional success and development of innovative pedagogical experience of higher education institutions teachers. This research does not solve the problem of teacher`s professional development in the field under consideration and can be continued in analyzing its features depending on the professional area of study.
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