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Title: The impact of globalization on the transformation of business models of educational services in Ukraine and China
Authors: Du Hanyu
Mazorenko O.
Keywords: globalization
business model
educational service
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Du Hanyu The impact of globalization on the transformation of business models of educational services in Ukraine and China / Du Hanyu, O. Mazorenko // International scientific-practical conference “Economics, finance, accounting and law in the context of globalization”: conference proceedings (Aarhus, Denmark, September 10, 2024). - Aarhus, Denmark: Scholarly Publisher ICSSH, 2024. - P. 9-10.
Abstract: These theses are devoted to the study of the influence of global trends on the transformation of business models of educational services on the example of Ukraine and China, as well as to compare strategies for adapting to the challenges of globalization.
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