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Title: Self-control as a Marker of Foreign Languages Modern Teaching
Authors: Kovalova K. L.
Keywords: self-control
components of self-control
forms of self-control
classification of self-control
stages of self-control formation
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Вид-во Іванченка І. С.
Citation: Kovalova K. L Self-control as a Marker of Foreign Languages Modern Teaching / K. L Kovalova // Інновації та традиції у мовній підготовці студентів : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. семінару, 6 груд. 1919 р. – Х. : [Вид-во Іванченка І. С.], 2019. – С. 171-175.
Abstract: The article defines the role and significance of self-control in the process of teaching a foreign language in universities, examines various approaches in determining the essence of the phenomenon of self-control, substantiates the need for self-control in the learning process, identifies the types and components of self-control, identifies its forms and classifications, examines the stages and levels of self-control formation.
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