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Title: Socio-communication technologies concept and types
Authors: Wang Honghai
Keywords: socio-communication technologies
social communication
direct-purpose socio-communication technology
indirect-purpose socio-communication technology
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Wang Honghai Socio-communication technologies concept and types / Wang Honghai // Молодіжний економічний вісник ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця. – 2024. - № 1. - С. 114-116.
Abstract: Nowadays, social communication has become a complex and controversial social phenomenon, which includes a set of goals and intentions, ideas and theories, relationships and interactions, as well as special organizations and institutions that produce and distribute information, and process and interpret it. The essence of the “socio-communication technologies” concept is connected with the essence of the “social communication” concept. Socio-communication technology is a system of manipulation actions-complexes aimed at changing the behavior of society. In that case, we recognize the fairness that such actions-complexes are different in purpose, orientation, means of realization, efficiency, efficiency, and quality.
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