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Title: Modern teaching techniques used for professionfocused foreign language training of the students qualifying as economists
Authors: Uskova T.
Keywords: modern teaching
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Uskova T. Modern teaching techniques used for professionfocused foreign language training of the students qualifying as economists / T. Uskova // Освіта, наука, культура і національна самосвідомість молоді в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції здобувачів освіти та молодих вчених, 20 листопада 2024 р. : тези допов. – Вінниця, 2024. - С. – 38-40.
Abstract: Revolution in technologies and world-wide usage of the Internet boosted the process of foreign language (especially English) learning, which put forward new tasks for the teachers and professors so that they could meet new requirements and tackle new problems using developing technologies, devices and gadgets. In order to make the process of teaching more dynamic, effective and up-to date, new methods and approaches to teaching foreign languages are being worked out and applied all over the world. Globalization of various aspects of life puts forward new challenges. One of the trends of modern life is migration of workforce, qualified economists included, which makes it an absolute demand to revise teaching methods applied to educational process in general and to teaching foreign languages in particular, especially for specific professional purposes. Knowledge of foreign languages is especially required from graduates with economic qualifications to get access to more job opportunities. Specialists with economic qualifications are of great demand in various countries all over the world.
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